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Date Posted: 18:10:11 11/20/01 Tue
Author: ~Amanda
Subject: Re: Lullaby Impressions (free-for-all thread)
In reply to: Blue 's message, "Lullaby Impressions (free-for-all thread)" on 11:00:18 11/20/01 Tue

>Post your "Lullaby" thoughts here. You can rant, cry,
>reminisce, wish her well, express your hopes, etc. I
>know there are Darla lovers out there that feel the
>need to "let it out" and then some. The only favor I
>ask is not to bash anyone.
>I’ll post some thoughts later tonight.

Ah, I've been needing this! lol Okay, excuse if I rant
*cries uncontrolably* lol "Lullaby" in mho was one of, if not the best eps, I've seen of "Angel", sure, Darla died *sniff* but overall, I thought the episode was wonderful and spectacular.
-Holtz was amazing, he is a very interesting character and I feel that he is really on a mission here. His character is one I cant wait to see more of and the actor who plays him (Kieth something lol) did a great job.
-Darla, what can I say, I dont see how anyone could not like her after "Lullaby" or atleast have some sort of compassion/understanding/maybe even respect for her after what she did for Angel and the baby and after everything she's gone through. I certainly love her even more than I ever thought I could. She is just *so* extremely complex and deep, she's simply fascinating! And the end, how heart renching was that? I couldn't stop crying! Joss and David are genius'! Everything just came together, the music, the emotion,the meaning and the words...Julie and David gave one of the best performances I've seen. I loved that Darla understood, that she cared and she accepted her feelings and everything she's done. Basically her entire life. She knew that this baby, *her* baby was the only good thing her and Angel had made(that speech she gave, omg, I was balling and like yelling "Oh, darla, its okay!" lol) and that true remorse, that moment of redemption, small and as brief as it was, I'm so glad that she got it. I'm so glad that she finally felt love, she said so herself, in 400 years, she had never felt/gave *real* love. I cant even imagine what sort of life she's had and I am relieved that she got to feel this emotion before she died...again.lol
-And Angel, oh my god, can you say angst? The emotions that played through him in one ep was amazing. Again I say, "This ep freggin rocked" The ending, although not the way I wanted (how dare they not let me get what I want *wink*) was....amazing. It was so powerful, at least for me, everything came together and I still cant believe what I saw! I cant believe I was right! I had been discussing my theory/my mom's aswell with someone from here (forgot who it was, lol , sorry) about how Darla just might get dusted and the baby would just fall out of her or something lol when I read the feed I was like "Wtf? I was right!? Omg!" lol Yeah, okay, I'm done for now. If i've forgotten anything I'll come back ;) hehehe And remember, this is all jmho, so dont get offended or nothin' :D

Be strong ya'll...we always got flashbacks...or else TPTB realize the little babe needs its mother and bring her back...with a soul!-so she can love it ;) ^_^

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