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Date Posted: 22:15:08 12/04/01 Tue
Author: Blue
Subject: Re: YAY!
In reply to: KhaliG 's message, "Re: YAY!" on 20:33:55 12/04/01 Tue

>OMG, I know what you mean. Poor DB! I feel so bad for
>him that fans just cut him down if he says something
>that they don't like or is not supportive of their
>precious couple. It's a waste of time and energy.
>Criticize Pres. Bush, criticize Ashcroft, but don't
>waste time criticizing an actor who is only trying to
>promote his show. In fact, I feel bad for him mostly
>on the fact that it seems that in every interview DB
>has, he is asked the same old question: Are Buffy and
>Angel going to get back together? Buffy is still
>Angel's One True Love? I mean, it's got to be annoying
>to try to promote a show that you've been working on
>for three years, your main character just had a child
>with a character that's not Buffy and still,
>interviewers link him to Buffy, forever. It's sad and
>a crime, really.

It's not worth it. Let him think what he wants too. He has his own opinions and they are just his. Doesn't mean they reflect the direction of the show or the past. Plus, we don't even know under what intentions he's making all these comments anyway. Man, I would love to be a fly on the wall just to see how DB preps for an interview. Heh!

>>Wow, true that! The actors do what the producers and
>>writers tell them to at least most of the time.
>Yep. What matters is what we see on the show.


>Exactly, which is why, I'm going to try to sit back
>and relaz when I watch Angel next Monday. I have the
>cute Angel/son bonding to look forward to. I want to
>know what they name the child, though. We can't keep
>referring to the baby as "The Kid" or "Buster".

I'll try too!

Man, it looks like from the promo Angel doesn't have any time to name the poor cute baby. He's constantly on the run it seems. Hm, me thinks DB's carrying a doll baby for some of those scenes. Too dangerous for the baby, you know?


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