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Date Posted: 06:10:22 03/05/00 Sun
Author: Thom
Subject: Trivial and inconsequential

Ahha, got it. At last I am going to do this properly. Well, anyone that knows me might now that I'm a little bit bigotteda bout certain things and this is one of them of which I shall propose in the form of a quaetion... "Exactly how much should one persecute those trivial and insignificant Wiccans?" It's a difficult question to answer isn't it? on the surface the answer would of course be something like, totally, but as you may well be aware, if you persecute them completely there will be nothing to do for another day. How about not at all then? well that's even worse, because then you are being non judgemental on a matter that really requires active judgement. There are two half way marks then that stand out in my mind as being ones which you have to choose from. The first of these is Wiccan's who take the deities and entitries of your religion and abuse, missuse and offend them and the practioners of sometimes knowing that we are getting irritated with them and sometimes (much worse) completely unaware. The second position of course is indentical to the previous but it involves sticking up for other peoples traditions, so for example, if you'd just finnished persecuting a Wiccan for misusing and offending the Gods of your own religion (say the Northern Traditions as that is mine) and they say (as unlikely as it is) 'OK, I got you, I will only use Celtic deities from now on' should you then persecute them again for offending a different religion.

Now within each of those was a simple two way split, those that know what they are doing wronfg, and those that are unaware. My personal feelings on this matter is that you should teach the ones that don't have a clue so they can decide whether they will stop or not (though the teaching should be highly judgemental) and for those that are doing it whilst knowing they are causing offense i.e. anyone that has simply just been told or more then the persecution should be extreme. After all, in he case of the Northern traditions, remeber what happened when we recognised the christian deity as being simply another one? the priests overthrew our alters and twisted everything to be in there favour. If we do not persecute the Wiccans into proper respectable behaviour in regards to how they interact with other religions, deities and entities, then a similar thing could not only happen but I would say is already happening. In other words they should be taught to only interact with the deities and entities of their own religion ( not that I really care but do they actually have any though?)

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