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Subject: Anak by Freddie Aguilar (English Translation)

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Date Posted: 12/ 3/05 4:06am PST
In reply to: Singam 's message, "Complete lyrics for Anak by Freddie Aguilar" on 06/11/03 5:49pm PDT

This is my English Translation of the song, unfortunately, some of the Filipino words here are a bit deep but I did my best to translate the song:

When you were born into this world
It was your Parent’s happiest time
And their hands became your light
And your Mother and Father didn’t know what to do,
Observing you, even in your sleep
At every night your Mother stays awake just to prepare
your milk
And every morning you’re with your Father,
Who's very proud of you

Now you got older, and you want to be free
They may not agree but there isn't anything they
could do
Then you suddenly changed, you became hard-headed
And you disobeyed everything they've said
Didn’t you even think that what they're doing was
for you?
Because you want to do everything you want
You don't mind them anymore

More days passed and your path went astray
And you got involved in bad habits
And the first person who you ran to,
was your mother who was crying
And she asked "Child, why are you like that?"
And your eyes was tearing without you noticing
With regret you learned, that you were wrong
With regret you learned, that you were wrong

Afterwards you forgot even your bad habits
A Big thanks came from your parents
Then you completely changed
You found yourself and who you are
Your mind was now straight
The days continued to go by, and you learned
How to love
Not long after, you settled down

After your teenage years was done,
You’re close to being a Father
So you strived and worked harder
The day you awaited came,
Your eldest child was born
Like heaven is what you felt

Now my son, you know how it feels
To be a father
That's the same feeling of what your
Mother and Father felt when they saw you

Now you felt, now you experienced,
Now you understood
Your Mother was right all along
Your Father was right all along
Now you won't wonder anymore

It's no joke to be a parent, now you've experienced
It's no joke to be a parent, now you've experienced

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Re: Anak by Freddie Aguilar (English Translation)Barbara (Happy)11/16/06 3:55pm PST

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