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Subject: The AncestryByDNA.com genetic test should provide a more definitive answer regarding the genetic racial makeup of an individual. Recent advances in genetic testing have put the answer to questions/claims like those made on this website (e.g., I'm Filipino, Chinese, and Spanish, etc.). Whether your goal is to assist in validating your true racial makeup or just to satisfy your curiosity, Ancestry DNA testing is the only scientifically rigorous method available for this purpose in existence today.

Tresyang Dupaya-Adhikari
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Date Posted: 06/26/04 3:52pm PDT
In reply to: Chris 's message, "IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in America" on 01/16/02 8:55pm PST

The AncestryByDNA.com genetic test should provide a more definitive answer regarding the genetic racial makeup of an individual. Recent advances in genetic testing have put the answer to questions/claims like those made on this website (e.g., I'm Filipino, Chinese, and Spanish, etc.). Whether your goal is to assist in validating your true racial makeup or just to satisfy your curiosity, Ancestry DNA testing is the only scientifically rigorous method available for this purpose in existence today.


The AncestryByDNA provides you with a simple and objective description of your ancestral origins. The test gives you an estimated percentage of ancestry from the four major historical population groups:

Native American Those peoples that migrated from Asia to inhabit North, South and Central America.

European Europeans, Middle Easterners and South Asians from the Indian subcontinent including India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

East Asian Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Southeast Asians and Pacific Islanders including peoples native to the Philippines.

African Peoples from Sub-Saharan Africa such as Nigeria and Congo region.

There are two versions of this test. The test, itself, is fairly straightforward and simple. You will receive a test kit in the mail complete with instructions for collecting the DNA sample. This is done by swabbing/lightly scraping the inside of your cheek with a brushlike sample collector. After collecting the sample, you just mail it back in the preaddressed/postage paid envelope provided to you by the company. It's that simple!

The price for the "AncestryByDNA 2.0" Test is $158.00 USD.

The price for the "AncestryByDNA 2.5" Test is $219.00 USD, and is more detailed and comprehensive than the previous version.

It's true, unfortunately, that there are some Filipinos who will make bogus claims that they are part Chinese and/or Spanish as a means to bolster their sense of racial self-esteem. This is especially true for those who claim a significant amount of Spanish blood (or, occasionally, any other type of European blood) and have no real evidence to support those claims.

There are also those who make the same "Filipino, Chinese, and Spanish" claims who genuinely believe that that is their true racial makeup and for some of these individuals, it may very well be the case that they are some admixture of those three, although to what exact degree is something they can't readily determine. You can go by a person's appearance, to a certain degree, to make a rough estimate of that person's racial background, or go by what their parents, grandparents, or other relatives claim. But we all know that appearances are not that reliable, and in some cases, can be deceiving, and anyone can exaggerate and lie about their (or their children's, grandchildren's, or other relatives') racial background. And without proof, who can tell otherwise??? In some cases, they may not be deliberately lying, but may be simply trying to second-guess their or their relatives' racial background based on whatever assumptions they may have about certain aspects of the history of the Philippines (e.g., the Spaniards colonized the Philippines, they had many young single males in the Spanish military, and many of those young males, being deprived of women from their own country, decided to take the native women as wives and/or as sexual partners; the Chinese came as merchants and many of them (also single males) decided to settle in the Philippines, the same thing must have applied in their case ... blah, blah, blah) and/or whatever limited information they were given from their parents or other relatives (e.g., your grandfather's mother was half Chinese, your grandmother's father was from Spain, etc.) In either case, it's difficult, and often impossible, to prove definitively what, if any, percentage an individual has of any given race without an extensive amount of documentation (e.g., birth records, other historical documents and accounts, etc.) and even that has its limitations.

Genetic testing, on the other hand, provides information and/or can fill in the gaps that assumption and hearsay cannot. And I'm more than certain that many of these individuals who claim to be some admixture of Filipino, Chinese, and Spanish (for whatever reason) would, in the very least, want to know their true racial background. This is where AncestryByDNA comes in. This test is for anyone, regardless of race, who would like to learn more about their genetic racial background. For those who are interested, visit http://www.ancestrybydna.com.

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Subject Author Date
i am more than half chinese, a quarter of filipina and spanishmargarette si07/15/04 7:11am PDT

    Chinese heritage in the PhilippinesConching08/30/04 4:26am PDT

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