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Subject: I was plagued with the disease.

Mang Tomas
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Date Posted: 03/ 6/02 6:51pm PST
In reply to: Chris 's message, "IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in America" on 01/16/02 8:55pm PST

Among military service men and white men in particular, They perceive the Filipinas as easy and whores. I guess Filipinos do not want to equate themselves with the white mans Ideology- so they twist their labels around and label themselves as Chinese, Hawaiian, Spanish (The three ethnicities vied as having a Noble status).

Everytime I go on the Military bases and shop at the exchange(Military store), I see Filipinas with their white husbands. I have 5 white uncles. My father said the low class positions in the NAVY were reserved for the Filipinos back in the 70s. I watched television and wished I was either white(like David Hasselhoff) or black(like MC Hammer). I used to feel whites were better than Filipinos; whites were dominant over us. I hated being Filipino; I felt it was the most humiliating and degrading culture ever to step foot on this planet.

After some time, I had the courage to go to a library and check out some books on Filipines. I read soo much books I had to digress from my school studies and time with my friends. I wasnt proud of my ethnic background, I was fascinated. I learned about Graciano Lopez, Jose Rizal, BOnifacio and the KKK, etc. The FIlipino-Moros, in my opinion, were the most resiliant and strongest against the Spaniards. Waves upon waves of SPanish armies and naval ships attacked the island- no success. If there is one group of Filipinos thats being downplayed today in Filipines and abroad, it is the Moros of MIndanao. First european blood to spill on Filipino soil was Magellans, Thanks to Lapu Lapu; A Muslim Filipino. But its sad the way Catholic Filipino Government/army and Muslim Filipinos are fighting amongst each other. The people of the Filipines need to realize that Actors are running their country, not the people!

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Subject Author Date
Re: I was plagued with the disease.jose rizal05/30/03 11:06pm PDT

IMSCF is a result of the American trend of RACIAL BREAKUPLocus05/ 6/05 11:29am PDT

Re: I was plagued with the disease.anselmo lizarabengoa09/ 8/05 3:47pm PDT

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