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Subject: Re:don't understand why

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Date Posted: 01/21/05 12:09pm PST
In reply to: Mestiza Verdad 's message, "I don't understand why you have to be ashamed of saying you are a FIlipino since Filipinos have a rich heritage of east and west. In the 1800's the Philippines was the center of trade of Asia reacher than Hongkong and Singapore. Second to Japan until Marcos' term. I have a treu Spanish blood but I always identify myself by myself as a Filipino my nationality and proud of it because I've done something good to enrich myslef. I don't understand why the Pinoys in America have this identity crisis" on 10/26/04 7:58am PDT

i think this topic is very interesting...many filipinos claim they have spanish blood..or chinese etc..I didnt know that there were many spanish people in the philippines to start with...i was always told there were a good number but not as much as that of mexico or other spanish colonies back then....Im proud to be filipino...i was born and raised in america..my mother took me to the philippines when i was young to expose me to my culture and i stayed there for 7 yearsi love the philippines!!!!heh...although i too sometimes mention that I have spanish blood but thats only because sometimes people ask me what my ethnicity is i tell them Im filipino the get the confused look..or even filipinos that i come across at work they ask what I am I say filipino they ask if im half?!which makes me confused cuz I think i exhibit aloooot more pinoyness then anything else..i dont think i luk chinese..or spanish....but maybe i exhibit characteristics of my grandparents that i dont notice heh...i dont realy know though my specific spanish blood percentage...i have many spanish ancestors..about 4-6 or em..i was told thats how it was..the pure spanish or those mixed mestizo classes in the philippines would generally marry thos of the same bloodline..my mother can pass as a full blooded spanish woman heh...she has the caucasian skin,light hair,hazel eyes and well proportioned nose....and even when shes asked she always says FILIPINA...which catches even white people off guard cuz she blends in well with white people eheh....my mum always told me to be proud that I am filipino..and that having spanish blood was also part of me..who I am...and I should also be proud of that...and that being a lil mixed dosent make me any more special or unique..its a part of my heritage..its not something that should make me more privilaged than any other of my fellow pinoys heh...I recently ordered the ancestry by dna 2.5 test..just outa curiosity...has any other pinoy here trakin it?

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Re: Mestiza VerdadHey06/26/06 12:23am PDT

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