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Subject: just a clarification for those confuse from chinese-malay-aboriginal(negro) thing.

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Date Posted: 02/22/05 4:40am PST
In reply to: Chris 's message, "IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in America" on 01/16/02 8:55pm PST

Demographics of the Philippines
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
According to Philippine government statistics and current census data, some 95% of the population is ethnically Malay, descendants of immigrants from the Malay Peninsula and Indonesian archipelago, who arrived long before the Christian era. The most significant ethnic minority group is the Chinese, who have played an important role in commerce since the 9th century when they first arrived in the Philippines for trade. Mestizos, those of mixed race (either FIlipino-Spanish, Filipino-Chinese, Filipino-American, or Spanish-Chinese [Tornatras]) form a tiny but economically and politically important minority. Small communities of expatriates, and Negrito forest tribes that inhabit the more remote areas of Mindanao, and other races (i.e., Spanish, American, Italian, Japanese, East Indian, and Arabians) constitute the remainder.

The people of the Philippines are known as Filipinos. Throughout the colonial era the term "Filipino" originally referred to only the Spanish and Spanish-mestizo minority. The definition, however, was later changed to include the entire population of the Philippines regardless of ethnic origin. Ironically, the term now somewhat excludes the Spanish-mestizo minority who are perceived by some Filipinos, and by many Spanish-mestizos themselves, to be foreign.

Note: In the Philippines, the reality is, not all people can be classified into here and another. There are some people who also have three races, take for example, a Chinese-Filipino who has Spanish blood through his Filipino side, or vice-versa. There are also Spanish-American-Filipino, and the like. you can go to the website if you want.

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Re: just a clarification for those confuse from chinese-malay-aboriginal(negro) thing.Locus06/ 6/05 7:13am PDT

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