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Subject: Re: IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in America

Educated Pinoy
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Date Posted: 03/ 4/05 1:30am PST
In reply to: J. Manzon 's message, "Re: IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in America" on 03/23/03 7:44pm PST

J. Manzon says: "I don't think I want to categorize myself as malay, I am filipino not malay. I don't speak Malay language, I speak Pilipino"

Actually, you ignorant thing, if you speak tagalog, or any of the hundreds of native Filipino languages, then you DO speak one of multitude of Malay languages.

All of the languages of the Philippines belong to the Malayo-Polynesian family of languages. This is very big family of languages.

Think of the Malayo-Polynesian family of languages as a tree with two big branches, and each branch with many smaller branches (languages) of it’s own. The little branches (languages) on the Malayo branch of the tree (such as Tagalog, Ilokano, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia, Timorese, etc.) are more closely related to one another, while the ones on the Polynesian branch (Samoan, Maori, Hawai'ian, etc.) are more related amongst themselves. But both branches come from an even earlier predecessor. For this reason, Samoans, native New Zealanders (Maori) and native Hawai'ians are all Polynesians, and look alike. And for this reason Indonesians, Malaysians, East Timorese, and YES, Filipinos, are all MALAYS and all look alike (obviously to the exception of the Chinese-mestizos, Spanish-mestizos, Dutch-Indonesians, Portuguese-Timorese, etc. minorities who have some foreign non-Malay blood in their veins).

I think the problem is that Filipinos confuse the word Malaysian with the word Malay. Even though all native Malaysians are Malays, not all Malays are Malaysian, because Indoneasians, Filipinos and Timorese are not Malaysians yet we are still all Malays.

Just to demonstrate to you. The Indo-European languages are also a family of distantly related languages. The ones on the Indo branch (Hindi, Urdu, Iranian, Afghan, etc.) are more closely related to one another, while the ones on the European branch (English, German, Spanish, Italian, etc.) are more related amongst themselves, but both also branches come from an even earlier predecessor, the proto-European language.

Just because a German doesn't speak "European" (because there is no such language) doesn't mean he is not European and not related to a Spaniard and a Frenchman. And just because a Pakistani does not speak "Indo" (there is no such language), does not mean he is not from the Indus Valley (ie. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.) and not related to Indians and Bengalis, etc.

Educate yourself or you sound like an idiot.

The same goes for all other Filipinos.

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Re: IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in AmericaFrank09/ 8/06 2:16am PDT

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