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Subject: Dear Mestiza Verdad"Fake Mestiza (Mestiza Falsa)

Proud Pinoy
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Date Posted: 04/ 7/05 5:51am PDT
In reply to: Mestiza Verdad 's message, "My family have access to the Catalogo Alfabetico de Apellidos in the Philippines. Don't get jealous poeple becasue our surname is not there, therefore our surname was not assigned and my family was saying the truth about our Spanish heritage." on 10/26/04 7:34am PDT

MESTIZA VERDAD says: "My family have access to the Catalogo Alfabetico de Apellidos in the Philippines. Don't get jealous poeple becasue our surname is not there, therefore our surname was not assigned and my family was saying the truth about our Spanish heritage."

This complex-riddled Filipina is so funny and full of self-hate it kinda makes me cry because unfortunately, many Filipinos are as misguided as she is.

First of all, any Spaniard and Latino will tell you that "Real Mestiza" in Spanish is not written "Mestiza Verdad" but "Verdadera Mestiza". It's pathetic that a simple Spanish phrase such as that, in a language you claim to be the language of half of your ancestry, you can't get right.

Now, I doubt your family has in their possession the "Catalogo Alfabetico de Apellidos" as you claim. If they did, you wouldn't be as stupid to say that just because your surname isn't on the list that it wasn't assigned, and that your family was therefore saying the truth about your Spanish heritage. The catalogue was intended to give surnames to all Filipinos who DIDN'T already have a surname AND for all those who ALREADY DID have a surname BUT which was a surname PROHIBITED for use by Filipinos. This is stated clearly in the decree itself!

The decree states that people with a surname that was in use for more than four consecutive generations, and were known by the townspeople by such surname, and that the surname wasn't one that was prohibited could appeal to the colonial authorities to keep their existing surname (whether it was a Spanish, native or Chinese surname that they had chosen for themselves).

So your surname not being on the list doesn't mean it was handed down from a Spaniard either. You’re not an exception. There are obviously many Filipinos who have surnames that weren't on that list, and one can simply realize this by noting that not all Filipinos have Spanish surnames. So they must have applied for exception, and many Filipinos also have Hispanic-ish and Hispanic surnames (which still were not inherited, but self-chosen) that weren't prohibited and were allowed to keep after applying for exemption.

You have only shown that you really don't have ANY proof of your Spanishness other than this assumption of your surname not being on the list. It’s just another assumption like all the other Filipinos afflicted with IMSCF Syndrome. You are in fact the poster-child of the Syndrome.

Anyone who wants to see the catalogue only needs to go to a Filipino library that contains copies of the historical document.

Finally, no one is jealous of you because as it stands we're just as Spanish as you are, that is, we have no Spanish blood just like you don't.

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mestizas and mestizosJessica Moncravie02/ 1/06 1:15pm PST

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