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Subject: Re: IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in America

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Date Posted: 10/19/05 10:52pm PDT
In reply to: Chris 's message, "IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in America" on 01/16/02 8:55pm PST

I went to a Doctor one day (my regular MD, who is Filipino was away) who looks like a true Filipino and even has that distinct accent although he has a Chinese last name which is also common for Filipinos). I did not ask if he was Filipino because he obviously looked like one. But then, he asked me if I was Filipina (he was probably confused by my Czechoslovakian last name from my husband) and I said yes. Then I asked him if he was Filipino and he said "No, I'm Chinese...but I was born in the Philippines". So I thought his parents were from China and he said that his parents and grandparents were born and raised in the Philippines. People...Please be proud of your heritage and culture and admit you are Filipino, no matter what your last name is or what combination your blood is.

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If his last name is non-Hispanic but native Filipino like Aglipay or Macapagal, then he is surely Filipino unless he was just adopted by native Filipinos. Some Chinese and even other Asians look Filipino because all of us are from Asia. You can just tell if he has some Spanish blood by the features of his face. If he looks like the rich and rare Caucasian-looking Zobel de Ayala people in Manila, then he surely has a Hispanic bloodline. (Click for more)Jasmine10/25/05 7:12am PDT

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