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Date Posted: 01/11/03 2:28am
Author: zzzza
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Subject: Mudslinging in the Mustang Daily

From the Mustang Daily, with last name's erased to protect the not-so-innocent.

Derek throwing around SLO's version of the "race card" by bringing up UCSB.

Hey Colin, can you post what the original letter to the editor said? The online archives only go through the end of 2002.

Group brings attitude to basketball games


This letter’s in response to Kelly Scanlon’s “Fans’ actions crossed the line” letter (Jan. 9).

Kelly, your efforts to debunk our little cheering section may have backfired, as you might’ve just given us some of the publicity we desperately need. I’ll bet there are some students out there dying for an excuse to irritate the crowd and harass the refs.

When’s the last time you saw Running Thunder bring a group to a basketball game? We’ve been to just about every home game this season, and we haven’t even seen the guy who used to wave the big CP flag around.

Intercollegiate sports are about tradition, be it a tradition of excellence, a tradition of sportsmanship or a tradition of academic achievements. Fans can have traditions too, be it a specific chant that shows up nearly every game (in our case, “Hey refs, get on your knees and blow another call”), or an attitude that you bring into the gym with you. We’re trying to create traditions, and we’re trying to build an attitude in Mott Gym.

Our attitude is that no matter how much we’re winning or losing by and no matter how many games out of first place we may be, we’ll still be there, yelling at the refs. We’ll be there, crude and immature, or clever (but still crude). We come to watch our teams play basketball and cheering is part of watching.

So next time you’re in Mott Gym, why don’t you come over and help us “taunt ‘em ‘til they cry.” And while you’re around, buy a T-shirt so you can match.

Colin XXXXXXX is a computer science junior.

Mustang Militia ‘drafting’ Poly students for spirit


Basketball Season. It’s that time of year again. The Cal Poly basketball teams are playing it up in the Big West Conference, but I’ve noticed something at these past games. It would seem that not as many students are coming to the games lately. I hope that people read this and come to the games to cheer on our teams, especially against UC Santa Barbara. UCSB is already talking a lot of trash about how they’re going to walk all over our teams. The only real way to fight back is to have a strong showing of students at the games.

There’s a group of students who formed a group called Mustang Militia, and we do our best to get the crowd into the game, but we need more students. Hopefully we’ll have a good student crowd coming out to support our team, and demoralize the other teams by showing them that we’re the best and we’re simply doing them a favor allowing them to play us.

Derek XXXXX is a civil engineering junior.

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