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Date Posted: 01/13/03 9:49am
Author: Peter
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Re: Could Depth be overrated?
In reply to: BudMan 's message, "Could Depth be overrated?" on 01/12/03 7:25am

I have never been infavor of playing more than 8 or 9 guys.
After that you begin to loose continuity with your starters and familarity playing with the same guys.

Have your 5 starters and 3 subs to give the starters a blow, 2 minutes at a time, max.

Maybe it's time to start Johnson at center and move Dennis to a forward position......Shilling to shooting guard, Allen point and Kamara forward.


>There were five conference games yesterday. In three
>of them, the winner played 9 guys or fewer. This
>includes Idaho who played 9 men (one made only a token
>appearance or it would have been 8). Cal St Fullerton
>and UoP both played 8 players and won.
>Meanwhile, teams like Cal Poly are shuffling guys in
>and out in an attempt to keep fresh bodies on the
>floor, to give the opposition a different look, etc.
>and we lose. This is not a conference known for up
>tempo styles. Perhaps teams can have success with a
>short bench in the BWC. Utah St seems to use its
>depth effectively, but many teams in this conference
>haven't apparently figured out how to take advantage
>of some of the shorter benches.
>One of Poly's strengths this year is we finally go 10+
>deep with real D1 players. I'm not suggesting that we
>move to the Jeff Schneider school of transition
>offense with a very breakable press, but maybe we need
>to mix more traps in and look to push the ball up the
>court at opportune times. Also, with fresh legs
>coming off the bench, we should be getting more than
>two dozen boards a game. Varnie's doing his part
>(which seems to be taking him out of his offensive
>flow), but it'd be nice if we could count on Phil,
>Jared, and Vlade to pull down 5 a piece and Kamara to
>get close to 10 every night. Also, our guards and
>small forwards are apparently not hitting the
>glass--we need 3-4 a piece from each of those
>positions every night too.
>I realize Utah St and Poly both shot the lights out
>Thursday, so there weren't alot of boards to get, but
>what was the reason last night??
>Does coach give out awards for assists. When the
>guards aren't shooting well, how about working on
>assists a la Mark Campbell who dished out 8 last night?
>On the positive side, Bromley's more controlled tempo
>is helping us to not give up easy buckets off of

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