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Date Posted: 05/18/03 4:09pm
Author: BMF
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Subject: What's your point....
In reply to: AggieBall 's message, "Long Beach State homer and Football" on 05/18/03 3:23pm

.... or better yet, why are you posting this on the Cal Poly board?

To the best of my knowledge Cal Poly is fine right now and I am sure Davis is fine too. There is no crisis at either school to find a home for football.

>The Beach board was anti-UC Davis when the talks came
>about regarding BWC expansion and the invitation to
>Davis. Most of the talk was about football and that if
>Davis wants to keep football they should have to go to
>the Sky rather than coming into the BWC. This was
>posted on the UCD voyboard.
>From LBSU Fan:
>Since football is not a sponsored conference sport?
>Will Cal-Davis eventually drop the sport? Will they
>focus on basketball which is the conferences Marquee
>sport? If getting into the Big West was a 'better'
>move than getting into the Big Sky for economic
>cost-saving reasons, will Cal-Davis do the rest of the
>conference a favor (since it is saving Cal-Davis so
>much money) and drop football?
>Scheduling as an independent in football is not easy.
>In California, you have Cal Poly, St. Mary's, USD and
>Sac State. I doubt SDSU, SJSU or Fresno would touch
>you for a couple of years. Forget about PAC-10 schools
>for about 10 to 20 years. All this means you have to
>travel out of state at least 4 times. Any more big
>The Big Sky does sponsor football and has competitive
>teams. A better fit for Davis. However if you are
>saying they do not sponsor other sports, then why
>doesn't Davis just drop football? Tell us more big

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  • Re: Long Beach State homer and Football -- Tenaya, 05/19/03 10:10am

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