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Date Posted: 05/20/03 11:41am
Author: Peter
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Subject: Re: Screw the Cup....this dept. needs facilities!
In reply to: Aggieball 's message, "Sears Cup?" on 05/19/03 8:42pm

John has played the passive role when it comes to the minor sports programs and probably for good reason.....$$$$$. He does not want to spend the time and money soliciting for a new coach(s) and I can't say that I blame him.

His top priority must be getting corporate money to improve the venue(s) at Cal Poly. Either through a corporate sponsor or by getting student support (referendum) to fund the building/remodeling of facilities.

In any case, John's yearly performance review should be based on his track record for improving the facilities on this Campus and not on how many games Sue Boyer's softball team wins.


>I think you are referring to the Commish's Cup in the
>BWC. The Sears Cup is won by Stanford just about every
>year. UC Davis has taken 5 of the 6 D2 Sears Cup's.
>I agree on McCutcheon, his hires have been less than

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