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Date Posted: 05/20/03 1:10pm
Author: Tenaya
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Subject: Re: Screw the Cup....this dept. needs facilities!
In reply to: Peter 's message, "Re: Screw the Cup....this dept. needs facilities!" on 05/20/03 11:41am

>In any case, John's yearly performance review should
>be based on his track record for improving the
>facilities on this Campus and not on how many games
>Sue Boyer's softball team wins.
Interesting perspective Peter, however, I can't agree with you for multiple reasons including:

1. An athletic director is responsible for much more than just facilities. As general manager he's responsible for overseeing marketing of athletics, ensuring the financial health of the programs, attracting and retaining quality student athletes, hiring and terminating coaches etc. You're asking us to judge his performance on just one factor, facilities. That's like evaluating a baseball player exclusively on his ability to catch the ball. There's much more to it.

2. Your response completely side-steps all the sports that have had continued problems such as soccer, women's basketball etc.. under his direction. It would be one thing if it was just women's softball, but for the most part it appears that it's nearly all the sports. BTW, our softball coaches name is Lisa Boyer, no Sue.

3. You mention that McCutcheon's top priority is getting corporate money to improve venues at Cal Poly. Sounds reasonable! Can you offer feedback on any major corporate sponsor he has secured? The new sports complex was paid for by the students and the generous donations of alumni like Robin Baggett and Monty Waltz to name a few. I'm totally unaware of any corporate sponsorship he has landed.

4. You say John should not be judged on wins and losses, but at the heart of things, success or failure is the ultimate benchmark. Even at the university, a student's grades are determined by wins those answers that are given correctly on a test and lossess those that are not. Why shoulc the athletic director be any different.

I have to agree, he's had more than enough time to implement his changes. Time for new blood!
Go Stangs!!

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