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Date Posted: 06/ 2/03 10:39pm
Author: BudMan
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Subject: Re: The Truth with Varnie
In reply to: JAllen3 's message, "The Truth with Varnie" on 05/30/03 8:27pm


What are your plans following school? When is your projected graduation? Plans to play abroad? Begin a non-basketball career? Stick around and help coach for a year?

I hope you realize most of us on this bulletin board site believe you were a MAJOR reason for the success of the team this year. Without the outside threat from you, the other guards, and Shane, Varnie could be neutralized. Thank you for your tough-nosed play, scoring, etc. You, Steve, and Eric brought size, toughness, and athleticism to the backcourt that we have not seen since Poly has been D1. Congratulations on a fine career at Poly and best of luck to you in the future.

By the way, is Fernando as good as I think he is? To me, he is quick, can handle the ball, slash to the bucket, and shoot from outside--he simply needs playing time and confidence. Also, I'd like your thoughts on Greg Nelson's future here. He seems to be very comfortable and gifted at handling the basketball, a natural at the PG. Finally, I'm sure you'll agree that EJ can shoot, he simply lacks the confidence to launch the ball often. I know he can defend, and his size presents problems to the opposition. Insight on what we can expect from Nick Enzweiller?

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