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Date Posted: 06/ 3/03 6:43pm
Author: SLocal
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Subject: Re: Big Bad Poly. history
In reply to: Harry"Shop at Bellos"PTesties 's message, "Big Bad Poly.........." on 05/31/03 7:32am

If you go through the yearbooks in the archives, you can see the evolution from California Polytechnic School to Cal Poly.

There's a photo of Joe Soroka's teammates (longtime SLO barkeep) wearing a white practice jersey imprinted with CALIFORNIA POLY.

You'll also see how it evolved to Calif.-Poly. to Cal Poly. When John Madden was playing it was known as "California State Polytechnic College".

When I was at San Luis High they didn't sell imprinted Cal Poly T-shirts or sweatshirts at the El Corral Bookstore. (If you recall that famous James Dean photo from "Rebel Without a Cause" he was wearing a red nylon jacket over a PLAIN WHITE T-SHIRT. Imprinted Tees weren't popular then.) But you could buy a green letterman's type jacket with cream leather sleeves and a chenille script "CalPoly" emblem at Bello's, Beno's, Green Brothers and maybe one other store.

Similar lettermen jackets were sold blank and the Block-P Club handed out the overlapping chenille "CP" to be sewen-on. But today only Bello's is still in business. Bello's was always been the athletic supply store for San Luis and Mission High Schools PE classes.

It's too bad Cal Poly didn't check with Harry Wineroth, former studentbody president, student bookstore manager and the starting center on his coach's All-Time 1933-1947 football team. You see, Harry returned to campus after WW II and in the 1950's was manager of El Corrl Bookstore. He could have told them what his inventory was at that time. But Harry died in the past year. He should be in the Hall of Fame. He could be a witness--either for or against Poly.

>...once again trys to punch out little old Bellos. I
>hope that once again they kick Polys ass up and down
>the courtroom like they did last time. When they do, I
>will be there, wearing my aqua Poly hat, my green and
>gold blinders with my matching drool cup with the name
>Mortlll on it. I will also we wearing my lavender Cal
>Poly speedo and my orange Poly socks while waving my
>pink Cal Poly pom poms! You go Bellos!

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