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Date Posted: 11:59:58 12/26/01 Wed
Author: Nicole Flores
Subject: Painting Research

I found this assignment to be quite challenging overall because we had not only to become an expert on our particular piece of artwork, but be able to present it to the class in such a fashion that each student would be able to understand the piece as well as you do. And I also agree with Jaymie when she said "It went beyond what the book can teach us." This assignment made you dig deeper than the book that is handed to us in school. While listening to classmates speak about their artwork, it made me appreciate what we have yet to learn about more artworks to come. And even my own artwork, an oil panel created by Raphel I discovered the story of why he even bothered painting it in the first place. I found out why he used certain tones, colors and why the painting has contradicting themes.
After all the presentations, I reflected on how these artworks have so much meaning behind them. It enabled me to realize why these particular artists are considered true Renaissance men.
This made each student an active learner as oppose to a passive one, mainly because it made each of us learn on our own, do our own research and being that none of the information was handed to us, we had to learn it and teach it to the rest of our class without the assistance of our book.

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