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Date Posted: 17:37:34 03/10/02 Sun
Author: Nicole Flores
Subject: Hays Code

After reading the Hays Code handout, I was surprised at the goal of entertainment in 1930 compared to the goal of entertainment in the year of 2002. It seems as if the goal of entertainment in our generation is to spark controversy and surprise the viewer with extremes. And the basis of making movies is for profit. From the motion picture production code of 1930, it seems as if their goal was to “rebuild the bodies and souls of human beings” and to “raise the standard of a nation.” Although it seems as if the purpose of making movies was for a better cause back then, it can easily be argued that the censored codes restricted writers, producers and directors of their artistic license. Not to mention the fact that if trying to make a documentary on an issue such as war or child abuse, one could probably not get the full effect across. Yet, have we abused this privilege of artistic license? Have we “pushed the line” so far that we have in fact lowered the standard of our nation? Its interesting to see the difference between movies now and then, yet its hard to distinguish if it was better to have the codes or not.
I am looking forward to seeing the difference between movies now and then and furthering our knowledge on this particular topic.

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