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Date Posted: 11:58:47 05/04/02 Sat
Author: Joan
Subject: 20th Century Art

I have a problem with 20th century art. When i hear the word art, images of DaVinci and Micelangelo, etc automatically appear in my mind and always have. When i look at some of the examples of 20th century art, especially in comparison with the great master artists of the past i find it hard to believe that each of the genres are placed under the same title. I understand that art is really in the eye of the viewer and for that matter the artist as well, and i try not to judge based upon this. However when i am in a museum staring at a plain blue canvas for exaple, i cannot see it as art. It is quite possible that its creator had some great inspiration for creating it and that there might be some profoud meaning behind it. Even so, i cannot help believing that it was made simply for a chance at fame or the monetary value that some artist was hoping to reap from it on the grounds that an admirer may actually think it was worth something. I may simply be prejudice against this group of artwork and might be overlooking something imortant by dismissing it without a chance. This slight possibility does not affect me enough to consider it more thoroughly though and i'm satisfied with my belief system for now.

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