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Date Posted: 18:34:38 05/05/02 Sun
Author: Rachel Britten
Subject: 20th Century Art

In my opinion, paintings like Piet Mondrian's New York City, Jackson Pollack's Lucifer, and Josef Alber's Homage to the Square are not art. The artists who did these paintings oviously wanted a reaction, not necessarily a good one. These artists got a little too creative and out there. They crossed the line of what is art and what isn't art and this clearly isn't. Not all 20th century paintings are bad. Picasso was clearly an artist. He was creative but not too out there. Some of his paintings are amazing. I ecspecially like Three Musicians. I also like Franz Marc's Great Blue Horses. I mean these paintings are a little odd but you can still tell that they are art. They are not completley just splatters of paint or simple shapes on canvas. 20th Century art can be okay but I think art was way better back in the Revolutionary, Baroque, and Renaissance periods.

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