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Subject: Re: It was the referees?

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Date Posted: 12:31:20 01/21/09 Wed
In reply to: Oldfox 's message, "It was the referees?" on 10:41:56 01/19/09 Mon

Were any of you guys actually at this game?
I was in attendance, and was amazed by the officiating ... definitely in our favor.
We were far more the aggressive team. I was amazed by rough inside play that went uncalled both ways, but mostly by our team.
I appreciated the favorable whistles, but the guy who writes the blog had it right ... he called it a lack of an "equitable" whistle, and I agree. I thought Siena's inside players were getting pushed around inside. I thought Siena outplayed us, and probably should have had a 10-point lead late in the game if all the fouls were called.
Please don't take a new poster to task on this. Just offering my perspective, as a Marist grad/fan, who had a good seat at the game. I will say that it's nice to get a win like this. Probably wakes our team up. We definitely didn't play well.

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[> [> Subject: If the game had ended up...

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Date Posted: 18:15:12 01/21/09 Wed

with Siena having committed 16 fouls and Marist 11. Would that have been a big deal? Not even steve, but not unprecedented. But that was exactly the foul totals with 3:32 seconds left in the game. From that point on Siena sent Marist to the line 11 times by committing 6 fouls. Marist made 10. Marist fouled twice in the same time span sending Siena to the line 3 times. They made 2.

Up until that point the foul totals for the second half was Siena 7, Marist 6. Pretty close.

The first half foul totals were Siena 9, Marist 5. It seems to me the discrepancy was in the first half, which evened out until for the second half until Marist took the lead at 3:32 and Siena began to foul agressively.

My point is when you consider the game context in which 42% of Marist's free throws were taken, it might just temper the impression the writer might have set out to create.

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