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Subject: It was the referees?

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Date Posted: 10:41:56 01/19/09 Mon


Couldn't have been that Siena uglied up the game inside, could it?

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[> Subject: Re: It was the referees?

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Date Posted: 11:23:24 01/19/09 Mon

That's exactly what the obnoxious fans behind me felt. I guess if Marist was better disciplined and didn't commit as many fouls, the refs were just supposed to make some up in the interest of balance. I will admit the blond haired ref didn't appear to me, at times, to know what she was doing but overall I thought they called a fair game. I shouldn't be so hard on the one ref but she did grant Siena timeout after the other ref had already given the ball to a Marist player on the line and the player was just starting to prepare to take the shot!
[> [> Subject: Re: It was the referees?

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Date Posted: 11:24:21 01/19/09 Mon

And how 'bout the siena player throwing her elbows all over the place?
[> [> [> Subject: That happened right in front of us...

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Date Posted: 15:58:58 01/19/09 Mon

I'm sure she was frustrated. If I remember correctly she got two quick ticky-tack fouls at the beginning of the game and had to spend a lot of time on the bench.

But yes, elbows were flying every which way in the paint yesterday.
[> Subject: How does Amedio go from whining to pining in 20 minutes

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Date Posted: 13:10:29 01/19/09 Mon

He whines like a little baby without his bottle the first post at 6:30 then praises Marist like a starstruck teenager literally 20 minutes later. Maybe he was off his meds on the first post.
[> Subject: Re: It was the referees?

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Date Posted: 14:37:49 01/19/09 Mon

According to Geoff Brault's description of the game, it seemed as though the officials had decided to let the girls play inside, but were calling obvious hand checks and whatnot on the perimeter. It sounded like Fitz was getting hammered pretty good inside in the first half with no calls, and the stripes were letting Marist play tough interior D as well. In fact, the color man made a comment that Fitzie should make more of an attempt to go harder to the hoop (in the first half) rather than trying to get fouls called on softer moves, because the zebras weren't buying it.
[> [> Subject: TG, I thought the gals could have been more agressive...

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Date Posted: 15:09:01 01/19/09 Mon

going to the hoop. They might of gotten 40 trips to the line the way the game was called. They did call a lot of stuff away from the paint where most of the real contact was. But make no mistake, Hack-a-Rache was on full display. One other thing..don't expect the ladies to shoot 20% from the floor in the any half again anytime soon..

Hitting a few of the early outside shots would have brought Siena out of the paint and open up some room for Fitz to operate. Which, by the way, is what happened as soon as Viani hit the 3 pointer to tie the game. What happens next trip down? Fitz gets open because the paint is a smidge more vacant and bingo, a conventional three point play ensues. Don't get me wrong, Siena had a great plan, but Marist helped it along with poor outside shooting. Not having Brandy for most of the game due to injury didn't help either.

I think both MAAC Basketball favorites passed stern tests this week. Ironically involving the same two schools in Marist and Siena. Gonna be interesting to see who makes the most of the lessons down the line.
[> Subject: Re: It was the referees?

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Date Posted: 12:31:20 01/21/09 Wed

Were any of you guys actually at this game?
I was in attendance, and was amazed by the officiating ... definitely in our favor.
We were far more the aggressive team. I was amazed by rough inside play that went uncalled both ways, but mostly by our team.
I appreciated the favorable whistles, but the guy who writes the blog had it right ... he called it a lack of an "equitable" whistle, and I agree. I thought Siena's inside players were getting pushed around inside. I thought Siena outplayed us, and probably should have had a 10-point lead late in the game if all the fouls were called.
Please don't take a new poster to task on this. Just offering my perspective, as a Marist grad/fan, who had a good seat at the game. I will say that it's nice to get a win like this. Probably wakes our team up. We definitely didn't play well.
[> [> Subject: If the game had ended up...

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Date Posted: 18:15:12 01/21/09 Wed

with Siena having committed 16 fouls and Marist 11. Would that have been a big deal? Not even steve, but not unprecedented. But that was exactly the foul totals with 3:32 seconds left in the game. From that point on Siena sent Marist to the line 11 times by committing 6 fouls. Marist made 10. Marist fouled twice in the same time span sending Siena to the line 3 times. They made 2.

Up until that point the foul totals for the second half was Siena 7, Marist 6. Pretty close.

The first half foul totals were Siena 9, Marist 5. It seems to me the discrepancy was in the first half, which evened out until for the second half until Marist took the lead at 3:32 and Siena began to foul agressively.

My point is when you consider the game context in which 42% of Marist's free throws were taken, it might just temper the impression the writer might have set out to create.
[> Subject: I'll repeat the question: did you see the game?

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Date Posted: 21:35:45 01/23/09 Fri

It's easy to spin numbers however you want.
But, I was at the game, watched closely and clearly thought that Marist got a favorable whistle most of the way.
If all you're going to do is throw out some numbers, without actually seeing what happened, then you shouldn't even be part of this discussion.
[> [> Subject: Easy champ....

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Date Posted: 22:03:07 01/23/09 Fri

I agreed that Marist got the better of the whistle in the first half. After that it was even until Marist took the lead. Then the outclassed Siena team resorted to fouling.

That the way I saw it and read it in the game summary.

Please stop masquerading as a Marist fan. The silly attempt at an insult at the end of your post gives you away.
[> Subject: Re: It was the referees?

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Date Posted: 15:35:45 01/24/09 Sat

I lean more toward objectivity in this debate.
I've been around basketball for a long time, and can recognize when the refs have a bad game.
They did in this one ... that was easy to see.
It wasn't only how many fouls were called, but which ones were called and which ones weren't.
None of that shows up in a boxscore, which appears to be your only basis for disagreement.

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