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Subject: How does Amedio go from whining to pining in 20 minutes

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Date Posted: 13:10:29 01/19/09 Mon
In reply to: Oldfox 's message, "It was the referees?" on 10:41:56 01/19/09 Mon

He whines like a little baby without his bottle the first post at 6:30 then praises Marist like a starstruck teenager literally 20 minutes later. Maybe he was off his meds on the first post.

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[> Subject: Re: It was the referees?

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Date Posted: 14:37:49 01/19/09 Mon

According to Geoff Brault's description of the game, it seemed as though the officials had decided to let the girls play inside, but were calling obvious hand checks and whatnot on the perimeter. It sounded like Fitz was getting hammered pretty good inside in the first half with no calls, and the stripes were letting Marist play tough interior D as well. In fact, the color man made a comment that Fitzie should make more of an attempt to go harder to the hoop (in the first half) rather than trying to get fouls called on softer moves, because the zebras weren't buying it.
[> [> Subject: TG, I thought the gals could have been more agressive...

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Date Posted: 15:09:01 01/19/09 Mon

going to the hoop. They might of gotten 40 trips to the line the way the game was called. They did call a lot of stuff away from the paint where most of the real contact was. But make no mistake, Hack-a-Rache was on full display. One other thing..don't expect the ladies to shoot 20% from the floor in the any half again anytime soon..

Hitting a few of the early outside shots would have brought Siena out of the paint and open up some room for Fitz to operate. Which, by the way, is what happened as soon as Viani hit the 3 pointer to tie the game. What happens next trip down? Fitz gets open because the paint is a smidge more vacant and bingo, a conventional three point play ensues. Don't get me wrong, Siena had a great plan, but Marist helped it along with poor outside shooting. Not having Brandy for most of the game due to injury didn't help either.

I think both MAAC Basketball favorites passed stern tests this week. Ironically involving the same two schools in Marist and Siena. Gonna be interesting to see who makes the most of the lessons down the line.

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