Author: Talisung Swiftcurrent [ Edit | View ]
Date Posted: 15:51:26 09/01/03 Mon
Sorry I have to clutter the mb like this, but here's my bio.
Species: Otter
Gender: Male
Weapons: Sabre, longbow, twin knives
Talisung is a relatively tall otter, and young (16 seasons or so) with dark brown fur. Sapphire blue eyes twinkle from his normally-merry face. Three streaks of silver fur across his face belie his young age -- they are marks he was born with, and will carry until the day he dies. All the members of his Holt were born with the mark.
On his inner right forearm, he bears the tattoo of Holt Swiftcurrent -- three wavy lines, side by side. He has tried to remove it since leaving his holt, but has been unsuccessful.
The only time his striking blue eyes lose their twinkle and spark with anger is when he meets a wolf. He has had terrible encounters with the beasts, and deems them all to be the same.
Tal wears a navy blue cloak, pinned at his neck with a sapphire-like brooch that mimics his eyes. He belts his tan tunic with black leather, and two black straps cross his chest to secure his quiver and bow. His sabre hangs from his belt on his left side in a black scabbard, and his knives are strapped behind his neck by his quiver-full of blue-fletched arrows.
Tal is very friendly and easy to get along with. He can make friends with almost anybeast, given enough time, save wolves. He can be pretty comical, and his humor has gotten him pretty far in life.
Talisung grew up in a quiet holt. He loved to play with his cousin, Sleekfur, and they made their own swords which they trained with for quite some time. This is the reason why he is so talented with his current weapon of choice, the sabre. Tal did not like the peace and quiet, and told his father so. His father did not take kindly to this, and several other little things (including the discovery of the blade that Tal was not permitted to have) led to a fight between the two. Tal left his holt out of young anger and harsh words, and now dares not return.
He had many adventures along the way to his current location. One such "adventure," if you would even call it that, included getting captured by a pack of wolves. This incident is burned in the young otter's mind. He was traveling through their territory, apparently, and they caught him, tortured him. Though he begged them to stop, he tried to be friendly, they did not listen to his pleas. They nearly killed him more than once -- they starved him, whipped him, worked him until he was faint, and laughed as they did so. They eventually became bored with him, and tied him up in a sack with some heavy rocks and threw him in a river. He frantically tried to get out of the sack, but fainted from effort and lack of air.
Tal was saved by another holt of otters. He thanked them profusely, and stayed with them for a while. He felt he was burdening them, however, and soon continued on his journey to no place in particular.
He stopped at Fort Emerald Bay for quite some time, and still resides there in spirit. He went on many adventures while there, always returning to the fort. But his heart lay in traveling, so he continued on.
He constantly wonders where his cousin is, knowing that she will have left after him for she was just as bored as he was with the peace. Every place he stops he looks for her, but hasn't found her yet.
He eventually came to this place, and hopes it will take him far from home.
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