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Date Posted: 22:57:43 06/09/06 Fri
Author: Skeeter
I used to live alone before I knew you
And I've seen your flag on the marble arch
And love is not a victory march
It's a cold, it's a broken hallelujah

Gia had pretty much just sent him pitiful looks the whole way home and he had made sure to sit himself far away from her on the plane. As soon as they got here, he had turned her over to the medical team and hurried off to his office after making sure that Courtney was comfortable with everything in her room and that Braden had been checked out for god knew what STD he could have picked up while over there and any airborne illnesses or anything like that. Satisfied that his team was taken care of, he had disappeared into his office to call Remy only to find out that they were at the hospital with Kyrian and Haylie - who as if yet hadn't woken up - and Remy would be there shortly to speak to him. With everything settled, he was sitting at his desk, his feet propped up, clad in a slightly mussed suit with an open collared shirt, playing with his yo-yo. He looked much like the Skeeter of old and he was determined to find that man that he had once been again, he had let himself get to serious over the past two years and he didn't really like it, now that he thought back on it all...

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