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Date Posted: 09:06:31 09/24/06 Sun
Author: Reese
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Hunter 's message, "inside" on 08:56:29 09/24/06 Sun

(She let out a 'humph' as he sat between her and skeeter, drawing one of her legs up a little and shoving him over more, though it was playful more than anything, since she was much to small to do anything more than move herself over. Her voice raised into a mocking falsetto as she repeated his words.) If you had gone to school like you were supposed to, you wouldn't have to stay with anyone but now I can't trust you to leave you alone.. (She switched weapons and shot a couple rounds in his direction, her voice shifting back to normal again since she was done mocking him for the time being.. it just bugged her when he got all parental on her, when he wasnt old enough to be her father and was more like a friend than anything. She liked hanging out with him and Skeeter, and secretly wished that she could more often and during the times that she wasn't in school she was usually reading a book or drawing.. it wasn't like she was robbing banks or shooting herself up. Pursing her lips, she pondered dinner and the way that he countered his nagging with the planning of their evening outing.) I don't care. Just not DiMaggio's. (The sports bar a couple streets over had the worst food ever and she hated the place.. that and she couldnt drink so what was the point.)

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