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Date Posted: 09:24:12 09/30/06 Sat
Author: Haylie/Skeeter
We all need a proud woman
My oh My

She had woken up that morning feel pretty sore and achy and then lost the dinner she had eaten the night before. Of course, this had her sleepy boy-toy worried and threatening to call the doctor if she didn’t go to bed. She had learned over the past five months that it was easier to just let him take care of her in the way he saw best than argue with him so she had crawled back into bed and pulled up the covers, giving him a kiss goodbye and sending him to work without her. She knew Remy would be ok with it, since he had gone through it all with Shay and didn’t have any problems falling right back asleep. Eleven o’clock rolled around and she stirred, realizing she felt a good deal better. Thanks to that, she was antsy and so got up, got dressed in a pair of jeans and a hoodie and put on a pair of flip flops before she grabbed the keys and headed out to work. If she was feeling better, in her mind, there was no reason to waste the day away in bed. She pulled into the parking garage, made small talk with the guard before pulling up to her parking spot near the elevator. Checking to make sure she had everything was easily done since all she had brought with her was her cell and her keys and within moments she was upstairs and heading towards the intel’s head office where Skeeter would be if he was actually working and not off playing computer games with Braden. Those two were such overgrown children. She nodded at Skeeter, rubbing her eyes a little as she yawned and padded over to one massive wall of computers and sat down, flipping on the power and waiting for everything to boot up. He watched her come in, a smile on his face as he noted that she was WAY bigger than Gia was and they were about as far along. Gia was smaller boned though and he wasn’t as big Kyrian was either so maybe the baby was just bigger. He had heard Kyrian muttering something about his girlfriend having a litter and that had made him smirk, Haylie would have his balls if she heard that and then problem start crying desperately. She’d been so sick during the pregnancy though, so many days she just stayed in bed feeling miserable and the mood swings...no one ever knew what would set her off and make her start bawling. The only one who had been able to somehow figure out what kind of mood she was in was Cael, he would swear the man was psychic sometimes. Shaking his head, he picked up his phone and called down to Remy’s office, knowing Kyrian would be in there. “Hey boss man. We have a code four here.” Over the past five months they had little codes for things that Haylie was doing since nearly everyone in the building watched over her and coddled her like crazy. “Jester’s little chickadee looks like she’s about to fall asleep on the keyboard and she just walked in.”

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