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Date Posted: 08:12:39 10/03/06 Tue
Author: Remy/Kyr
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Skeeter 's message, "inside" on 07:59:44 10/03/06 Tue

(He smirked as he listened to Skeeter.. the guy really had his panties in a bunch about this pregnancy thing.. asking all sorts of random questions. If he didn't know Skeeter better he would conclude that his friend was nervous.. but he had a feeling the ADHD poster child was trying to get all the information he could to know what to expect with Gia.) Yeah. Shay was tired sometimes.. some babies are tougher than others.. (He said, grinning when Remy raised his middle finger.. it was fun poking at his friend.) I think it's cause she was so sick before.. her pregnancy is just one of the harder ones, I guess. Uh.. she throws up randomly.. like if you walk past her with tuna.. she loses it.. and chunky peanut butter.. no good. You just gotta feel em out.. figure out what the baby is boycotting and avoid it like the plague. She stopped having morning sickness a bit ago.. at least I think she did.. hell, she throws up a lot. (He said arching a brow, feeling a bit sorry for her as he thought about what she was going through for their baby. His hand shifted over her stomach, his palm splayed and almost covering the ball-like curve of her.) (He rolled his eyes as Kyrian all but called his kid weak.. but he knew that wasn't true.. Shay hadn't been sick going into her pregnancy.. and she had eaten a lot more varied foods, where it seemed as though Haylie was craving one or two things at a time and fiercely. He turned his gaze on Skeeter as a question was pointed at him.) Yeah.. Chase was a big baby.. built like his old man.. and Shay just ran out of room for him, so Chase ducked out early. He was ready and it worked. If she had gone full term it would have been nearly impossible even for a cesarean.

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