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Date Posted: 06:17:43 09/24/06 Sun
Author: Braden
I've never looked for trouble but I've never ran
I don't take no orders from no kind of man
I'm only made of flesh blood and bone
But if you wanna start a rumble boy....
You best not start it alone

He was kicked back in his chair, his eyes on the couch where Skeeter and Reese were playing video games. He had been leaving her to get off to school on her own until he had gotten a call from her guidance counselor that she had been skipping classes so now he made her come directly here after school and dropped her off there in the morning before he came to work. All he needed was a fucking mini-van and he would nominated for mother of the year. Though..a mother wouldn't get a hard on everytime she got out of the shower. So, yeah, maybe no award for him. His phone rang and he dragged his eyes away from her, picking it up with usual greeting of "Hunter" before he was quiet and then nodded a little. "Alright, yeah, just have Courtney come up here." He smirked as he saw Skeeter's eyes brighten and his head lift a little at Courtney's name - no one else would have noticed that accept maybe Remy and Skeeter himself if he had been observing someone else. He let out a soft breath and shrugged his shoulders to loosen up the muscles in his shoulders and neck before he hung up the phone. "Remy is coming up here to talk to us about an assignment." He stated, thinking it would probably be him and Courtney on the mission and then Skeeter during the intel from here. Remy didn't make it sound like it was a big deal though, so he wasn't to concerned with that. Leaning back in his chair, he kicked up his feet once more and placed his arms behind him, his eyes going back to Reese as she played the PS2.

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