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Date Posted: 08:16:12 10/17/06 Tue
Author: Remy
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Shay 's message, "inside" on 07:56:56 10/17/06 Tue

(Okay. Now that he felt like a complete asshole. He watched her incredulously as she got up and stomped over to inquire about Haylie, shaking his head and sneering at a kid who was looking at him, probably because he looked like he wanted to kick a puppy. The kid turned and buried his face in the side of the woman beside him, who glared at him for being such an ass.. well, that was what he was.. he was an ass. And he was done trying to hide it. News flash: He did things that people didnt like. He wasn't perfect.. and he never would be. Luckily the drugs were starting to kick in and that took away some of the physical pain.. but the emotional pain he felt wasn't dimmed at all, in fact, it only intensified as she returned. He was scared, damn it. He was so afraid that if he stopped moving, this sick-cycle carousel he was on would throw him.. and he would be left trying to pick up the peices of his over-stressed existence. He had so much on his plate between his family, his friends and the agency that he was beyond knowing how to put any one thing down. It was a constant juggling session that was starting to break him down. He rubbed a hand over his face as he sat there, wishing for the millionth time that there were two of him.. one to stay home with her and the babies and one to run the agency.. and if he could figure a way to reconcile the two he would be in like flint. He looked up as she walked back over, hurt lining his eyes.) I.. don't understand this.. Shay. (He said slowly, then shook his head.) No. Nevermind.. I don't want to discuss this here.. this isnt the time or the place. (He felt shattered. Like there just wasn't enough of him and he had been stretched so thin that he finally broke. Lowering his gaze to his feet, he brought a hand up to the side of his face, looking sort of lost and obviously hurting.)

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