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Date Posted: 07:09:26 10/16/06 Mon
Author: Braden/Skeeter
Well you are who you are and that's alright with me
But I am who I am and that's all I can be

He knew he was going to be leaving soon for his mission and he knew he couldn't put off seeing Remy any longer. He didn't want to go through a confrontation with the commander, though he knew it wasn't really a confrontation, just a meeting but hell, everything felt a confrontation with him. Leaving Reese at the apartment had sure as hell been a confrontation. She had not been impressed when he told her to stay home. He definitely wasn't a fan of teen attitude, even if he was a fan of other things on that particular teen. Shaking his head of his thoughts, he headed up into the hallway towards the elevator at the same time that Skeeter appeared from the other stair well, causing him to cock a brow. The men stepped into the elevator, talking quietly to each other finding out that Remy had called them both in at the same time which made Braden even more uneasy. He let out a soft breath, running his hand down his face as he shifted his weight on the balls of his cowboy boot clad feet. When they made their way to Remy's office, he tugged off his hat and knocked on the door before stepping in. "Evening." He greeted Remy, his brow furrowed a little bit. He was on the phone with Courtney when he saw Braden so he hung up, though it was a willing end to the conversation. He'd had a talk with Courtney and they had decided that they needed to cool it since neither one of them was looking for anything serious and they just both had a lot on their plates right then. They were still tight though and well...occasionally slept together. It was hard not too, the woman was a tigress in bed. Shaking his head away from those thoughts, he made his way into the elevator. He had a few problems with his back since the explosion but he had seen the little girl he had saved and that had made every ache and pain worth it. Gia was doing good, though he wanted to call and check on her so he did that on the elevator, leaving her a message on her voicemail that said he would be stopping by her place later and to call him if she needed anything. When they got to Remy's door and Braden went all formal, Skeeter just rolled his eyes and brushed past him to go into the office and straight to the mini-fridge, taking out a jones' soda and plopping down into one of the leather chairs.

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