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Date Posted: 10:42:34 10/22/06 Sun
Author: Reese
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Braden 's message, "inside" on 10:25:33 10/22/06 Sun

(She smiled as he kissed her forehead, raising her eyes to him as he looked up to the sky and shifting in his arms to lat at his side, tucking in close to him to retain the warmth between them. It was hard to not want to get closer to a man like him.. when it seemed like he was going out of his way to make her feel comfortable and to allow her to experience things she hadn't experienced before. With her stomach full and her body comfortable and warm beside him, she found herself letting her worries go and relaxing into the feel of him holding her. Her eyes traveled up his arm and to the sky and she let her gaze wander, looking for the first sign of movement.) If I told you.. it wouldn't come true, Braden.. (She said with teasing humor lining her voice, shifting to tuck the hood of her sweater under her a bit better and then stuffing her hands into the pouch against her stomach to keep them warm. It was a few minutes before the first star shot across the sky, and though it was faint and fast, she gasped, not entirely sure she had seen one.. but she made her wish.. that he come home safely from his mission. It wasn't until the second start streaked across the sky that she laughed.) Okay.. that is the coolest thing I have ever seen.. (She said, in a voice that was a little awed and excited. She drew her knees up a bit as she lay there with him, watching as more stars streaked over the sky above them, each time following them eith her gaze and making a little sound. Sure, she was predictable, but she had never seen anything like this before.. living in a city didnt allow for good views of celestial events.. and she had definitely never ridden horseback to a picnic with a man that made her nervous.)

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