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Date Posted: 08:11:29 10/15/06 Sun
Author: Kyrian
I do what I have to do..

(He trailed his hand over the shiny top of the Toshiba tablet notebook he was picking up for Skeeter. He checked the model number again and rolled his eyes, a hiss escaping his lips as he took in the pricetag on the top end piece of electronics. No wonder Remy had groaned when he ahd told him earlier that morning he was going on a shopping trip for Skeeter. He took a tag for the notebook and then went about the rest of the trip, picking up well over ten thousand dollars in equipment for Skeeters little home command center. The guy would be able to control the world and still play a kick ass game of Counter Strike:Source from his living room now. The past two weeks had been stressfull, long and tiring.. and he had had little to no sleep during that time. Between picking up, running and securing things for the makeshift headquarters, he had barely had enough time left to dedicate to Haylie, let alone to himself. He let out a sigh as he piled the remainder of the things into the back of his black Dodge Ram 1500, climbing into the cab and letting out a breath. Within moments he was back in traffic and picking up a bit of lunch to take home for Haylie. They were all on leave, and he had been adament about Haylie taking it really easy. He stopped at a local deli that he knew his girlfriend had a liking for, picking up food and even taking a moment to pick up some flowers that had caught his eye and he thought might brighten her apartment. And then it was back on the road again, taking the 101 towards uptown.. and a little peace and quiet with his girl.)

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