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Subject: *in the late night(or early morning)* at Windstar caverns...*

Scamps angel Uzuki
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Date Posted: 03:04:26 02/11/02 Mon

*scamsp was haveing a odd dream, in the dream seh was ina feld, surrounded by butterllies, she was watching one alight on her nose-tip, it tickled and she swatted at it absentmidedly..it continued to tickle her nose, she was going to sneeze..she just knew it....
*scamps woke from the dream she was having into her dark room in the caverns, her personal den was filled on one side with a large double bed covered with soft warm furs, she still felt the tickleing sensation on her nose, she looked down at the offending object and saw a furry white tailtip resting over her nose, she looked sideways at the pther warm form beside her, Kitsune la sleeping peacefully beside her, his tail had curled right up to rest over his face, and on her nosetip, smileing she lifted it gently and placed the tip on his face as well, and watched it rise and fall with his breatheing..
Listenign to the early mornig...nobody was awake yet, it was still an hour before sunrise,a ll the otehr ihabitants of the mountain were still asleep in their own dens, loatheing to do it she decided to get up anyway, maybye start breakfast as a surprise for mer mate when he awoke (though he still slept till lunchtime sometimes)
she gently slipped out of the warm bed, and her warm mate, and stood up in the darkness, her fur glinted softly in the moonlight coming from the half-snowed in window between the curtains. Putting ona long silver fur robe she padded quietly out into the corridor and pulled alighted torch from it's wall socket, makeing her way into the main cavern she lit the torches that lined the wall with her smokeing torch she held, then started to stok ehte smouldering fire in the center of the ledges around the circular room, putting more wood onto the fore she watched it blaze into life and smiled as she heard somebody nearby snoreing softly..
looking around for the water bucket she found it to be emtey...that'd be right, the hares used all teh water for their soup they made yesterday, moveing to the main doors she decided to use some snow that had fell in the night to boil it down into water, opening the door she shivered in the cold wind and began to gatehr some of the white soft snow, suddenly...she noticed somthing just beside the door, her head shot up and she ducked into the blizzard to get whatever the dark lump on the ground was...getting closer shesaw it was alarge wickerwork basket, wover carefully out of blkue canvas it was covered witha thick blanket, hideing the contents from the elements, grabing the handle she trotted back inside and set her now full bucket down on toip of the fire, setting the basket on a ledge she wodered why she did not hear a knock from maybye a messenger or visitor...
brushing the snowe that had gathered on the blanket covering the basket she pulld the blanket from the top, cautously she peered insiode to see more blanket, pulling them aside she was surprided as asmall growl emenated from inside, pulling her paw back she cocked her head in wonder...was this alive? afer being in the cold out there she was in wonder how somthing could survive..
reaching back inside she pulled the whole blanket inside and was suddenly being stared back at by two large ayes, she yelped in surpise as she saw it was a babe! pulling the remaining blankets aside she revealed a small wolfcub, his fur was dark black/sable, his ears were covered by a wide red stripe, his paws were the same color to the elbows, and hit tail was the same, picking him up she saw a stripe that trailed up his back in the same odd color, the rest of him was the dark color, she looked at his face as he snapped his small milk teeth.. one of his eyes was sea-green, the other was a frosty blue/grey..
she looked at his neck, around his neck was small silver chain, on the end was a teardrop shaed pendant, it enclosed a dark purple stine that seemed to have colors flowing over it like oil over ice..
wrapping the babe in the blanket and placeing him near the fire to warm up she searched the rest of the basket..she found a scrap or parchment, frayed and diry, stained with somthing, opening she read the scrawling, obviously fast written note.::

---To whomever find this basket, and its precious contents..
Pleas etake care of my babe..he has a a long future that i cannot be in, as i write this my life ebbs quickly, me and his father were attacked b a roveing group or vermin, his father died protecting me and his child, his father is a travellign fox, im a timberwolf...so he is a crosbreed, please bring him up in saftey..i have been mortally wounded by an arow with poisin..we managed to escape and found the netrance to your caverns..i leave him with you in the hope that he will grow to continue his legacy..please raise him as you own..his name is..

(the rest of the note was smudged by what was obviously tears...and a few drops of blood..)
*puting the note down with shakeing paws Scamps ran back to her den to wake her mate....*

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Unaware of the goings-on, Kitsune slept quietly, still manuevering his tail with each breath. He dreams aboutmysteriouspink, hairless creatures, dressed in wierd clothes and riding mechanical monsters in a forest of gray pillars that reach the sky. Thin, metal, tree-like objects litter the travel ways covered by hard, black stone. Upon the trees, lights seem to take turns glowing their red, green and yellow colors. "What is going on?", he said to himself. Even in his dream, his apearance did change to that of those pink creatures. Wanting to know more, Kitsune continued to sleep, not waking before he felt he had enough rest.* (NT)Kitsune, sleep-master03:35:03 02/11/02 Mon
*Dusklight, pacing down the corridor (hard for bats to sleep at night you know) nearly gets run over by Scamps.* Hey, whatcha got there? What's going on? Is that a baby? (NT)Dusklight18:25:08 02/11/02 Mon
*scamps turn to Dusklight as she scoots past* ":Dusklight! go to the main cevern and take care of the wolfcub inthere, im going to wake up Kitsune...and perhaps the rest of the caverns!!" *she runs past and into her den and runs to the bed where she shakes Kitsune on the hsoulder* "kit!!KIT!! WAKE UP!!! somthings turned up...we have a young wolfcub...i don't know what to do....please wake up!"Desperate scamps05:12:18 02/12/02 Tue
*comes yelling down the hall* SCAMPS!!!! THERE IS A DEAD SOMETHING OUTSIDE!!*runs into the doorway to her den* I *pant pant* I heard something strange*pant pant* out side, and I saw this huge thing*pant*, I think it was a fox, maybe a wolf, and it was dead!! Come take a look at it, you should probably see it.Dewrose14:06:37 02/12/02 Tue
*Dusklight paces the main cavern rocking the babe in her wings and thinking of when Tag was this small.* Are you hungry? I bet you are! Let's go get some milk. (NT)Dusklight09:08:57 02/13/02 Wed
*turns at Dewrose's voice* dead....*her face goes even paler if that is possible* it must be the mother of thatpoor cub..i read in the note she was close to dieing....*looks back at kitsune who is hopefully awake now, then runs over to Dewrose* "okay, lets take a look...*scamps00:39:23 02/14/02 Thu
*Kitsune awakens from his dream, listening to the noise going on about the outside of the room. He gets out of Bed and goes to inspect the banter, slipping on a morning coat made of dark, heavy cotton. He places an ear to the door, and listens.* Hmmm... A kid... *Kitsune lurches out of the bedroom, rubbing his eyes as they itched madly as the light of morning entered them.* Ooohhh... Blasted sun. So who's the kid? * He asked in a raspy voice, inspecting the mixed breed. Then he catches a glimpse of the deceased shape of the babes apparent mother. He ignores the voices speaking to him at the moment to inspent the body of the dead...* Okay it's time for me to play coroner. Let's see... *He takes the pulse from the dead timberwolf.* She is still warm. She must've died moments before you came to the front gate. *He continues to inspect the body, finding numerous lacerations and peircing wounds on her chest and stomache.* (NT)Inspector Kitsune (I'm not Gadget!!!)02:08:12 02/14/02 Thu
Well! Are you going to keep him? What are you going to name him? *Rocks infant in wings.* He is adorable. (NT)Dusklight09:04:32 02/25/02 Mon

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