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Subject: *Kitsune awakens from his dream, listening to the noise going on about the outside of the room. He gets out of Bed and goes to inspect the banter, slipping on a morning coat made of dark, heavy cotton. He places an ear to the door, and listens.* Hmmm... A kid... *Kitsune lurches out of the bedroom, rubbing his eyes as they itched madly as the light of morning entered them.* Ooohhh... Blasted sun. So who's the kid? * He asked in a raspy voice, inspecting the mixed breed. Then he catches a glimpse of the deceased shape of the babes apparent mother. He ignores the voices speaking to him at the moment to inspent the body of the dead...* Okay it's time for me to play coroner. Let's see... *He takes the pulse from the dead timberwolf.* She is still warm. She must've died moments before you came to the front gate. *He continues to inspect the body, finding numerous lacerations and peircing wounds on her chest and stomache.*

Inspector Kitsune (I'm not Gadget!!!)
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Date Posted: 02:08:12 02/14/02 Thu
In reply to: Scamps angel Uzuki 's message, "*in the late night(or early morning)* at Windstar caverns...*" on 03:04:26 02/11/02 Mon

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Well! Are you going to keep him? What are you going to name him? *Rocks infant in wings.* He is adorable. (NT)Dusklight09:04:32 02/25/02 Mon

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