Subject: **He lands in the cave, tired and worn** |
Author: Xezor
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Date Posted: 17:58:39 04/20/02 Sat
**His wings hang loosely down his back, and he heaves a sigh before straightening to greet Moonlight after so long. He missed her terribly, but couldn't find the words to say. Finally, he spoke.**
Moonlight, I have missed you dearly, and I am so sorry for leaving for so long. It wasn't fair to you, Thor, or to Niza for me to leave for such a long time without notice. But I will tell you where I went.
**He tried to straighten his wings, but they still hung there. The long flight was so tiring. He sat on a nearby smooth rock, that jutted out of the cavern's wall.**
I went to patch things up with my father. I thought... That maybe after all these years of being separated from him that I could go back and sort things out. I've learned something from being here. As evil as we all are, I can't live like this... Hating my father that way. Killing my mother was the reason why I hated him so much, and I still hate him for that. But something told me to go see him.
**He took in a deep breath and continued.**
I don't know why I listened to myself. But I went. He lives so far away, or rather I live so far away from him, because I wanted to get as far away as possible. I guess I never considered how exhausting the flight would be if I ever wanted to go have a word with him. I guess I never thought I would give him the time of day ever again. But I did.
When I got there, he was waiting outside his lair... Like he expected me. He never said if he was expecting me or not, but something tells me that he was. I didn't want to talk to him at first, and for a time I wondered why I even went to see him if I was going to be so quiet, letting my hate build up while he just sat there in front of me, as quiet as I was. But then I started talking, then yelling, then shouting at the top of my lungs. He shouted back. I was afraid he was going to wind back and kill me, like he killed my mother. But he didn't he calmed down, and so did I. He told me why he killed my mother...
**He looked down. He still couldn't believe what his own father told him.**
He told me that my mother was gonna kill me and my sisters if he didn't do something fast. I don't know if I believe him, or if I want to believe him for that matter. But what if that's true? It always seemed like my mother was the gentler one, not my father. But maybe it all only seemed like that when I was real small. Maybe he's right, because I never stuck around after he killed our mother. I took up both my sisters and left. I took care of them till they were old enough to live on their own, then I came here. I don't know what to believe anymore.
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