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Subject: *lands somewhat gracefully on the cool diamond floor and looks arounnd, a complicated expression on his face.*

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Date Posted: 18:45:31 12/16/01 Sun

*His bronzed eyes search the depths of the cave, at first he is unsure as to what they seek, but soon he knows. He closes his eyes briefly, heart and head wrenching with confusion and a sense of unsteadiness, before he says softly* Dad...? *his whisper is illuminated and echos through the empy caves. With each echo it is louder, stronger, until very suddenly it fades. Recieiving no answer, he calls again, louder* Dad! *a muffled sob catching in his throat, his fevered brow burning, he closes his eyes and submits to the pain, the fire burning in his eyes, his head, his gut, his heart.* Daddy...

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[> Subject: THOR!!!*she screeches and lands next to his body*Thor!

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Date Posted: 17:12:22 12/22/01 Sat

*she shakes him,trying to get him to wake up,it doesn't work,she races out and gets some water,and dumps it onto his face,she then races out and comes back from Famina's lair and lays down a bed of human pillows that Famina had stolen,then,with much difficulty,places him on them,she then goes to get a palm leaf,then sits by him and fans him,talking to him and wondering whats going on*

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[> [> Subject: *opens a bronze eye to peer at her* Cindy? Gotta get to 7-11!

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Date Posted: 17:30:33 12/22/01 Sat

*a small voice in the back of his mind is asking him who the heck Cindy is and whats a 7-11, but the larger part seems set in the idea. Thor closes his eye again, only to snap them both open and sit up apruptly* Gotta go to 7-11! *he insists, standing up wobbly, and heading towards the door. Flapping his wings and running, he goes pretty quicly, right off the ledge. Flapping, he flys drunkedly toward the door. He crashes into a side of the opening, reverses and flys out* Gotta get to 7-11 *he whispers determinedly, though he is obviously delierious*

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[> [> [> Subject: *flies after him,holding him up,but letting him lead*

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Date Posted: 18:14:29 12/22/01 Sat

>*a small voice in the back of his mind is asking him
>who the heck Cindy is and whats a 7-11, but the larger
>part seems set in the idea. Thor closes his eye
>again, only to snap them both open and sit up
>apruptly* Gotta go to 7-11! *he insists, standing up
>wobbly, and heading towards the door. Flapping his
>wings and running, he goes pretty quicly, right off
>the ledge. Flapping, he flys drunkedly toward the
>door. He crashes into a side of the opening, reverses
>and flys out* Gotta get to 7-11 *he whispers
>determinedly, though he is obviously delierious*

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[> [> [> [> Subject: RE;apruptly

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Date Posted: 04:08:32 11/28/05 Mon

>>*a small voice in the back of his mind is asking him
>>who the heck Cindy is and whats a 7-11, but the larger
>>part seems set in the idea. Thor closes his eye
>>again, only to snap them both open and sit up
>>apruptly* Gotta go to 7-11! *he insists, standing up
>>wobbly, and heading towards the door. Flapping his
>>wings and running, he goes pretty quicly, right off
>>the ledge. Flapping, he flys drunkedly toward the
>>door. He crashes into a side of the opening, reverses
>>and flys out* Gotta get to 7-11 *he whispers
>>determinedly, though he is obviously delierious*

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: RE;apruptly

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Date Posted: 04:10:34 11/28/05 Mon

>>>what is the apruptly in my subject in english

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