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Date Posted: 13/01/16 9:17am
Author: deej
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Subject: So this is what AFL and Australian society has become
In reply to: TT 's message, "Essendon's decision day" on 12/01/16 9:06am

You all know I saw it coming!

Ok I admit I haven't followed this at all, mostly due to the fact I barely read the news anymore and haven't watched an afl tv show in years. But I know enough to know what's going on and I think it's all bullshit. Every club has cut corners at some point, every club has so-called 'cheated' only not everyone gets caught. But don't let that stop everyone - the supposed 'fans of the game' - from destroying one of the proudest and greatest clubs in the sports history. You silly ignorant people with your priorities all fucked up.

But for me, once deeply involved emotionally and financially but now not much more than a bemused onlooker, it's just a reflection on what our society has become. In the old days the rank and file less intelligent and smart alec did not have a voice, thus they were rarely heard. Now we've got the internet. And I truly believe the world is not a better place for it's existence.

Hope you're all healthy and well boys.

(RIP David Bowie a true legend)

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