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Date Posted: 1/03/17 1:10pm
Author: Ross Upchurch
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Subject: First Good Friday AFL game (sent to AFL-ville)

First Good Friday AFL game (sent to AFL-ville)

I am a originally a rugby union fan who began following AFL following the 1989 Grand Final.
Tragic that I am I began supporting the cats.
With the Gary Ablett’s & company who wouldn’t.

So I have been a converted AFL fan since 1989, and generally like what the AFL have done with the game.

Notably, the honour you have brought to all the brave ANZAC’s who have fought for Australia & New Zealand.

The dignity the AFL has brought to ANZAC day is a credit to the sport

There has been much debate over whether to play a Good Friday game but
If you can bring that same kind dignity to Jesus Christ this and ongoing Easter Fridays I will have no problem.

If it just becomes another do-good charity day with bunny rabbits and chocolate eggs I will be very disillusioned.
In an era when we applaud sacrifice and bravery there is no greater act than Christ allowing himself to be sacrificed to rescue humanity.

Now I recognize Jesus Christ is ridiculed in our society, and it is politically incorrect to lift up his name above others.
But the reason we celebrate Easter holidays is due to the Christian roots, and influences upon this blessed nation of ours.

I am not suggesting you promote Roman Catholic’s, or Protestants, or any specific Religion.
Promote the good news of Christ

Good Friday is the day when Jesus Christ was lifted up on the cross to pay the penalty we sinners deserve,
with the hope of a new and fulfilling life, both now and after death,
to anyone who would receive the payment of that penalty on their behalf.

Good Friday is the day when the good news of Jesus Christ should be lifted up.

So I charge those of you in charge of the proceedings of the game between the Western Bulldogs & North Melbourne with this responsibility.
It is an important moment.
Lift up the name of Jesus this Good Friday AFL – even if it is only to quote the essence of Easter in a verse or two:
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believeth upon Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
The Gospel of JOHN Chapter 3: Verse 3
Jesus Christ was handed over to die because of our sins, but He was raised to life to make us right with God. ROMANS 4:25
But God demonstrates his great love for us by the fact that when we were still sinners, cursing His name, Christ died for us, in our place. ROMANS 5:8

I can not think of a more inspiring topic than the bravery, sacrifice, hope and love for the lost and down trodden than the message of death, restoration, resurrection and life that is Jesus Christ.

Don’t neglect so great a responsibility, be real men and woman and do what is right


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