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Subject: Looks like we finally found what would make the current look like a jewel. lord help us all

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Date Posted: 16:18:47 01/16/25 Thu
In reply to: 's message, "So we are so caught up with Carrie not being from North Carolina but going to school in NC and not representing the people of NC. But we will let someone who does not live in the state of North Carolina to compete and possibly win. Lauren is living in New York and traveling the world. Yes her parents live in the state. But has she lived in the state for the last 30 days like she is supposed to based on the rule? I guarantee not. The double standard is so real in this state." on 13:07:21 01/16/25 Thu

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These are two totally different issues. The issue with Carrie is not that she is not from here and is merely going to school here. It is the fact that she lived with Miss NC's business manager/family member (how unethical can you be??), doesn't have and apparently won't get a license and therefore cannot adequately do the job of Miss NC, seemingly doesn't care a thing about the people in the state, and is completely self-absorbed. If true that the Walsh girl is, in fact, NOT living in NC and merely using her parents' address to claim residnce, then that is a major issue and most definitely should NOT be permitted. (NT)No name17:34:50 01/17/25 Fri
    Re: These are two totally different issues. The issue with Carrie is not that she is not from here and is merely going to school here. It is the fact that she lived with Miss NC's business manager/family member (how unethical can you be??), doesn't have and apparently won't get a license and therefore cannot adequately do the job of Miss NC, seemingly doesn't care a thing about the people in the state, and is completely self-absorbed. If true that the Walsh girl is, in fact, NOT living in NC and merely using her parents' address to claim residnce, then that is a major issue and most definitely should NOT be permitted.No name11:25:07 01/18/25 Sat
    I heard North Carolina is looking for a new Business Manager for Miss North Carolina so it sounds like she is on her way out. The organization will absolutely be better off.No name12:38:44 01/19/25 Sun

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