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Subject: Maybe you are misunderstanding McNeil. It is one thing to ask to be called Big Daddy, as in, Hi Pops! or See ya, Gramps!. It's another think to want to be addressed as "Hiiiii Biggggg Dadddddyyyy.Watcha' got for me???" There is a difference. Jus' sayin.

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Date Posted: 11:05:10 01/31/25 Fri
In reply to: 's message, "Susan is the only human on that board or team that is worth a damn. McNeill, John and Adrienne are all about the cheating and lies. It has been proven time and time again. McNeill is a nasty man that asks girls to call him Big Daddy. That is absolutely repulsive!" on 08:51:16 01/30/25 Thu

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He so wants the notoriety that Big Mama always had, but she was a sweetie. And it was organic. In that was just how she was known, everyone knew it and her, and nobody had to be asked to call her Big Mama. A man asking for young girls to call him "Big Daddy" is just creepy, misogynistic, and just perverted. But he does all of the heavy lifting for the pageant so they don't have to, so they'll never say anything, no matter how much anyone coplains. (NT)No name12:42:17 01/31/25 Fri
I always understood the girls calling him "Bid Daddy" was something they did behind his back. I have always believed that to be a sideways back stab from the contestants not because he ever asked to be called that. Ya'll might want to get the facts before you try and wreck someones reputation and career within an organization. (NT)No name12:35:25 02/02/25 Sun

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