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Lush greenery went untouched, paths once heavily trodden now overgrown, this place was barren. The brute whom now stood amidfield was alone. This knowledge was like ice through his veins. How? Visage raised to the sky, silver bells flew forth; and broke mournful silence. "...How silenty thine bretheren, Did thou wings unfold. How silently thine bretheren, Did this thy wind, forth and away Sweep all that once was this I beseech thee, ye who rode before Ye whom this land was thy bairn Where hast mine kin flown? For surely I art to follow! Bretheren, thou shadow is cast Rock thy hoof has carved Thy scent ever mingles with the wind I hath scowered this earth I hath scowered my soul No hell I could find Darker than this alone" |