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Date Posted: 20:38:14 11/26/03 Wed
Author: Aurora Catcher
Subject: ~*The light of dawn is ever in my eye*~

~*Through the darkest of nights and the coldest of mornings the maiden of obisidian traveled, her heart set upon returning to her homelands. Talons of gold dug into the soil only slightly, propelling her forth, and not leaving one single trail behind. Finally, familiarness of the lands came to she, retinas glazing over with recognition. With anxiousness, her heart tugged her onward, the anticipation of seeing her love and king evident in her orb. Her lithe and slender forth swept through the sunlight of morning, ebony coat shimmering within the rays. Cresting the hill that marked the beginnings to the lands, her tiare is raised high. Labrums curl upwards, forming a smile of joy, and brims are parted, a song of love and happiness sent forth into the winds. She was home finally! Spiral of gold sparkled and shimmered as more and more magic pulsated through it, a guide in the shadows of midnight. Long and full plume was twitched slightly behind she, globes looking out, searching for any whom she remembered.*~

Aurora Catcher



With a canva and tendrils the purest midnight ever seen, her hooves are that of gold, as with her long 3 ft high spiralling horn.

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