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Subject: Transaction news

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Date Posted: Saturday, March 30, 2024, 05:57:28 am

This week, we had the first application of our new rule, wh3n the Dallas Rebels acquired Jon Berti, who was traded from the Marlins to the Yankees. That requested transaction sat for 24 hours before being implemented. That transaction has now been completed and the Rebels have been charged $10.00 for that transaction.

The new rule has been added to the rules page of the VSL Web Site and reads as follows:

2024 Amendment - When a National League player comes to the American League through a transaction that does not involve a trade with an American League player on a VSL roster, all VSL teams have an opportunity to acquire that player. Owners must post on the message board (or contact the Office of the Commissioner) their interest in the player Within 24 hours of the notification of the major league transaction. Of the teams posting an interest, the team lowest in the standings will have the first option to purchase the new player.

Additionally, the following information has been added to the fee for player acquisition section:

f, Ten Dollars to acquire an AL player who was recently traded from the NL when that player was not involved in a Major League Baseball Trade and a player on the team roster was involved in the trade and traded to the NL.

Please review and let me know if I have captured the essence of the rule.

Finally, I found a 2000 amendment concerning minor league players being promoted:

2000 Amendment - When a minor league player comes into the American League through a transaction that does not involve a trade with an American League player on a VSL roster, all VSL teams have an opportunity to acquire that player. Owners must post on the message board (or call the commissioner) their interest in the player by 6:00 PM on the SATURDAY prior to the Monday substitution deadline. Of the teams posting an interest, the team lowest in the standings will have the first option to purchase the new player.

I do not believe I have been properly enforcing this rule. Moving forward, this rule will be reviewed when a minor league player cones to the majors.

Question -- would you like the Office of the Commissioner to post when these time frames start on this message board.

Please let me know.


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Subject Author Date
Re: Transaction newsSpiders & PerfectosSaturday, March 30, 2024, 06:44:29 pm

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