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Subject: Infamous dispute of 2000

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Date Posted: 13:00:08 02/13/02 Wed
In reply to: Robsy 's message, "A davies fielding master class" on 06:11:35 02/13/02 Wed

Not so much an act of play but more of a dramam on the cricket pitch. Can't really remember how it all started, but it saw Iwan commenting on somthing and alun d telling him to shut up, iwan replied with a "dont you tell me to shut up, you shut up", alun replied "no you shut up" this rather childish primary playground like counter rebuttle continued for a number of minutes before a mr green joined in telling them both to shut up. eventually it ended with stuart calling iwans bluff pretending to walk off the pitch before bottling it and walking back to the stumps. Eventually a bit of quick thinking from mr williams as he ran in to turn on the air con to frezzing, eventually cooled matters down and the game continued.

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Youthful youngster and Experienced old pro.Olly13:06:26 02/13/02 Wed

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