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Subject: Youthful youngster and Experienced old pro.

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Date Posted: 13:06:26 02/13/02 Wed
In reply to: Robsy 's message, "A davies fielding master class" on 06:11:35 02/13/02 Wed

May i cast your memories back to olly torries first season at the club. in only ollys second game for the club he was only privaledged to bat with the legend that is Robin Varley. Withing about the 8th over torri played a cover drive to himleys opening bowler mcloud. Varley cried yes and olly recognising that, chances are he had a bloody good arm,
sent varley back. Who got run out. all that could be heard on the way to the dressing room was cries of "bloody public school boys dont run unless the ball comes off the middle of the bat!". This was actually quite intimidating at the time. However during my time at the club i have learned to listen selectivley while on the field of play. Shame i havent learned to speak selectively hey Robin!!!

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