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Subject: Devereaux V Morgan - no contest (?)

RAV (via chatroom editor)
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Date Posted: 15:36:16 03/07/02 Thu
In reply to: Robsy 's message, "10 FAMOUS MOMENTS ON THE FIELD OF PLAY" on 05:59:30 02/13/02 Wed

Many, many, many years ago, possibly even longer ago, there was a beer match held in Llanilar between a Llanilar XI and a Golf Club XI. Included in the Golf Club team was Louis Devereux, then licensee of the Central Hotel and an excellent golfer. Louis had been a reasonably successful professional cricketer with Worcestershire and then Glamorgan. Louis came in to bat about number four and I asked, as Captain, who would like to bowl at a county player. Tommy Morgan, then a callow youth of 16 or 17 immediately took up the challenge eagerly. The field was set (spread fairly far as I remember) and Tommy bounded in off a fairly long run. What followed has remained with me through all the years after. Louis Devereux still wakes up
in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, shaking and desperately trying to wipe that memory from his mind. Every time he gets it into the Recycling Bin - it comes out again like a computer virus. basically, he lost his
middle stump first ball. There was total silence for what seemed an age - and then Louis' "mates" started cackling and the poor man was forced to exit with this mirth ringing in his ears. If a big hole had opened up,
Louis would have cheerfully jumped into it. As far as I know, he never played again. At least he was spared Tommy's question to me as he sloped
off on the long walk.

"Was the bloke really a county player?"

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Funny MomentsGaffer14:30:22 04/12/02 Fri

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