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Date Posted: 05:59:30 02/13/02 Wed

Sorry Si i did promise not to start with a new message, but i have a new challenge for members of then chatroom, if they can come up with some famous moments that have happened on the field of play to other members themselves during their playing time with the club,this hopefully will remind people of some very funny moments that maybe some of us have ceased to remember, i have a funny feelin that the main characters will be Torri,evans,varley,pearson and A davies. Please contribute

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Subject Author Date
A davies fielding master classRobsy06:11:35 02/13/02 Wed
Torri's 22 yard sprint masterclassSiWills02:34:29 02/14/02 Thu
Torri's appropriate and relevant advice to Mr A Wilson, LlanybydderSiWills02:42:46 02/14/02 Thu
Mark Lloyd Davies signs sponsorship deal with glazing companySi Wills03:21:17 02/14/02 Thu
The difficulties in translating three languages at the same timeTaliban interpretator03:40:51 02/14/02 Thu
6 aside capers - Torri again!!Aber CC 6 aside manager03:57:54 02/14/02 Thu
The sun shines brightly in Rhayader - Fact!!!SiWills04:22:31 02/14/02 Thu
Bryn Roberts becomes an American FootballerNeed some help with this one chaps09:29:16 03/07/02 Thu
Queensferryrobsy15:24:09 03/07/02 Thu
Devereaux V Morgan - no contest (?)RAV (via chatroom editor)15:36:16 03/07/02 Thu
Funny MomentsGaffer14:30:22 04/12/02 Fri
Phil's SmallsRusty04:06:18 05/04/03 Sun

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